Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Times-Ghost Story Comp

As promised, here are both Patsy's and Bob's entries to The Times ghost story comp
(please comment below and let them know what you think-if you're having problems posting a comment I think you need to just click the link that says the amount of comments at the bottom? It isn't clear it's a link!):

Haunted House

Go away! This is my house! It has always been mine: the house I was born in, the house my parents left me, the house where I lost my child…the house that killed me with its vicious stairs. On second thoughts – come in, pretty lady: I’m ready for you.

(Entered for The Times Ghost Story in 50 Words competition, Oct 2012 by Bob Bishop)

‘The spirit in the bottle’

By Patricia Ford (Oct 2012)

He dreamt an Angel flew him to a pub to see the living mingle with the 

The living had a white aura energy.

The dead could not quench their thirst.

A drunk passed out, his aura opened, and a dead spirit 

jumped in. 

He woke and cursed the whiskey.