I'm completely new to this blogging malarky but small children have advised me it's the thing to do!
I guess they're right, you're never too old to learn something new and, as time presses on-we never know how much sand is left in the timer-I've decided to embrace every new experience that comes my way!!!
On my list of things to do, the top priority was to take-up skinny dipping, but I'm going with priority number 2, which is only slightly less offensive to the public...that is, to take my writing more seriously, stop dreaming about it, and actually do it...hence the formation of Walsham Writers' Group based in the bootiful North Norfolk countryside. We began meeting in April 2012 and we've quickly grown into a small, but very friendly, dedicated group of both published, and aspirational writers-the debate of when to call yourself a writer can be discussed here!!!
Thanks to the group I have begun to embrace the long-neglected reading of poetry-our first 'social' was to a poetry reading by Wendy Cope in Stalham. She was wonderful, sharp, witty and highly entertaining.

As one new discovery leads to another...holidaying in Spain we came across a real gem of a town called Orihuela. Once you've passed the prostitutes on their red plastic chairs, the stunning turquoise lake, and the salinas, you'll find a small, sleepy little place nestled at the bottom of a hill; on top of which, sits an ancient monastery. This town was once the home of a poet-I confess I had no idea who he was, but faked the emotions, for the benefit of the kind lady at the tourist info, who attempted to impress me with the sights dedicated to this one, Miguel Hernandez! Sadly, everything, bar the library, was closed on this particular day-a phenomenon that seems to occur every time we drag ourselves into an inland Spanish town, through 40 degree sunshine, with 2 very agitated children!! However, the exterior of every museum, church and cathedral was absolutely stunning and well worth a trip again next year! The one attraction that had little choice but to entertain us, was the most stunning outside gallery. Huge murals have been painted by a collection of artists, writers, children, teachers...on the sides of houses, in an otherwise poor, shabby looking part of town. Stunning!! I've posted some pics above- but the photo that I really wanted was of a young, ragged boy climbing out of a ditch, full of rubbish, holding 2 pigeons in his arms. He was standing beside the picture of the dove above, which exemplifies freedom. I tried to get out my camera quickly to capture the moment, but the car began to roll backwards down the hill, my husband and children began shouting, and the boy skipped off laughing, his pigeons tucked safely under his arm!!
I've just been informed my blog is too long, so that's all for now!
Please feel free to comment on any of the above, post work you'd like to share-be prepared for comments. I'd also like your short story recommendations-try this one, it's mind-blowingly fantastic,
'The Snow Goose' by Paul Galico.
Goodness, Hayley, you do have time on your hands!I couldn't see the photos either, but no doubt a tweek here, a poke there, you'll soon have the finer details sussed. Best of luck with this new venture...hope it goes viral!
No, no time on my hands!!!! I should be prep'in for school, completing homework for the group and completing the half painted bathroom but .....
I saw the photos! Sounds fabulous, good luck with the blog, I look forward to following your literary adventures! X
Gosh, What an adventure you had there what with cars going awol and all that. I never got to see the murals as I was there in 2008 and I don't think they were there. But I too had my fair share of adventures on my trip to that strange but amazing little town. :-)
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