Exting iq a military widow surged. Wouldn't you agree?
Clearly, I'm trying to tell you that predictive texting is a nightmare! However, I am one of many that consistently make predictive text errors with barely a flinch. I consider myself an almost writer, I should be ashamed, and yet I don't seem to care that my messages are misunderstood and my words are corrupted.
Am I wrong to text with such laissez faire?
Should I painfully scrutinise each word and punctuation mark before I press send? My father-in-law would've screamed, 'mais oui!'
But, what do you think?
Clearly, I'm trying to tell you that predictive texting is a nightmare! However, I am one of many that consistently make predictive text errors with barely a flinch. I consider myself an almost writer, I should be ashamed, and yet I don't seem to care that my messages are misunderstood and my words are corrupted.
Am I wrong to text with such laissez faire?
Should I painfully scrutinise each word and punctuation mark before I press send? My father-in-law would've screamed, 'mais oui!'
But, what do you think?
I found myself pondering this question after texting my sister in law.
At first I wrote:
At first I wrote:
'I need some morality in my life' - I tried again:
'I need some mortality in my life' - though both phrases may be true, this wasn't the massage I intended! Sorry message.
Friends have been crying over my lack of care when texting for years, and have now given up trying to understand them at all. Perhaps, as a writer, I should care about the message conveyed whatever the format? Should I only care if the reader gives a dam?
As the sender, I simply don't give a fan, shiv - I mean dam - about the correct spellings, grammar or punctuation, when texting. (I'm sorry Steve, I can hear you now tutting and laughing!)
Perhaps if you show me a writing comp for a short story, using your mobile as the platform, I just might...No sorry...I still don't care! But what do you think?
Some mistakes should be embraced; they could led to wondrous possibilities...Imagine, for example, Roald Dahl using predictive text for his 'Tales of the Unexpected' - you'd get:
'Tales of the dejected, rejected, erected and affected' - actually that sounds quite interesting!!
'Twilight', incidently comes up as 'twirling' or 'toiling'...The Twirling Saga...I can see the movie now!
Perhaps texting correctly IS more important than I allow it to be? Perhaps I'm just someone who enjoys the mistakes created, and finds them more interesting than the actual content. They are functionary messages, and although not as dull as some Facebook statuses - who gives a c..p if you've just eaten marmite, or you love your dog - stop the press...that person you met once when you were drunk, in that bar you can't remember, with that guy you'd rather forget, has just been to Sainsburys and it was busy. See... see how dull it is!
Next time (boring person) please predictive text me your Facebook status, don't alter the predicts and I might find you interesting enough to remember your name.
Next time (boring person) please predictive text me your Facebook status, don't alter the predicts and I might find you interesting enough to remember your name.
However, one WARNING: Don't text your husband at work and ask him to bring back 'cous cous' - you'll get 'anus ants' - I've never tried them, but I'm pretty sure my kids wouldn't like them, covered in ketchup, or not.
So, let me know what you think...does every word count, whatever the format?
Well, that's enough of that...I have news...drum roll...lights...I am now, officially, a published author...
One of my short stories was 1 of 10 selected for the Hysteria Writing Competition, and will be published in an Anthology: sold to raise funds for the Hysterectomy Association. I am over-joyed; the news sent me squealing into the kitchen, and had my friend flapping her arms widely, in the middle of the gym!
The book will be published in the Spring, it's for a good cause, so I'll let you know the exact publishing date and you can get your pennies out!! Do check out the website too (follow the link above). The founder, Linda, also has a great writers' website: author interviews on her Thursday Throng, Friday fiction slots, lots of useful writing info, and writing links too. Do check her out and tell her I sent you!
Having been selected as a winner, I am newly invigorated and a surge of creativity is bulging in my brain! It is so validating to know that someone thinks your words are worth something; this has spurned me on to keep writing, to never give up. The recent booker prize winner, for example, Hilary Mantell, waited years to win a booker prize, then a second quickly followed! I guess you don't ever know just how close you are to something...Remember standing for hours at the penny slot machine, waiting for that 10p-made-in-China-keyring, that you'll throw out next week...you drag yourself away and then some little git comes along, 2p later, they hold your prize!!!
So, don't give in...reject rejection and carry on doing whatever it is that makes you happy!
So, don't give in...reject rejection and carry on doing whatever it is that makes you happy!

Beautiful Norfolk in the snow, taken by my beloved: Jens Room. (See his flickr account for more).
The building in the shot below is a creepy, dilapidated mill. If you're in Norfolk and need some inspiration for a ghost/crime story take a look!

Happy writing. Hayley xx
Hayley, Congratulations on the story placement. You must be over the moon! Well done! The drinks are on you?!
What gorgeous photos. Whereabouts exactly were they taken?
BTW, my email address is now gerrieevans@talktalk.net. Can't get the system to change the wretched thing! God save us from machines.
Thanks Geraldine, I am over the moon! Drinks?? If only the prize had also included a payment! Alas, no! Publication was the prize!
The photos were taken by the old mill that faces the newly dredged Dilham Canal, in North Walsham. It's a lovely secluded spot, still quite a secret, well worth a wander.
Thanks again. xxx
You are the worst texter I've ever known! I've given up predictive text so any mistakes you see from me are either through clumsy texting or stupidity.
My fave of yours which i have happily adopted is i dont give a duck or for ducks sake. Always makes me smile x
Anus ants with ketchup sounds absolutely awful. I've never liked ketchup.
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